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What I want to do in this video is discuss a special class of triangles called 30-60-90 triangles and I think you know why theyre called this the measures of its angles are 30 degrees 60 degrees and 90 degrees and what were going to prove in this video this tends to be a very useful result at least for a lot of what you see in a geometry class and then later on in trigonometry class is the. Esstisch Spanplatte Kchentisch Esszimmertisch Bartisch Tisch 110 x 60 x 75 cm Beschreibung Bringen Sie eine klare minimalistische Note in Ihren Essbereich mit diesem unverwechselbaren Esstisch. Schrank 350 Cm Breit Schrank 60 Cm Breit Wei Schrank von Kleiderschrank 60 Cm Breit Bild.
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